I've decided to add a "Must Make Monday" into my rotation. I don't know about you guys, but I frequently run across patterns that I REALLY want to make, and in my life, there is simply no time to get it done "right now."
But I really like the pattern and want to be able to find it, when the time opens up on my schedule. I need a go-to place to find them, so I decided to start posting links to them, that way, they are here when I need them. I thought you might enjoy them as well.
This one is a combination of piecing and applique. It is antique looking in the photo, but could easily be modernized, just by a change in fabric. If you didn't want to do all the half square triangles, you could just substitute a 9" finished square of your favorite quilt block. I would love to see a photo, if you make this quilt.
This one is brought to us by Windham Fabrics and designed by Jill Reid.