Here are some mug rugs/coasters that I made on my Babylock Destiny in May, when the grass was still green.....just haven't had time to post about it yet....
They were quite fun to make, despite some problems along the way.......
This was white thread.....looks like it somehow picked up some oil from the machine somehow? I have NEVER seen this before. The strange thing is, it happened in the middle of sewing....not at the beginning, where you would expect, if it were related to the thread path - any thoughts?
This was a first for me as well - embroidery thread shredding.....I am using the same thread, needle type, stabilizer, etc..... that I always used on my Babylock Ellageo and never had "shredding" happen. Quite frustrating on this brand new and not so cheap Babylock Destiny. It happened in a spot where the stitching was quite dense. I finally just pressed the needle up/down to SLOWLY get past the problem area.
I do enjoy the large hoop on the Babylock Destiny. I was able to make two at a time, which save a lot of thread changing time.
In the end, I got them all done and they make me smile, which is a good thing.